
Six Black Hat Demos You Don’t Want to Miss

There are nearly 100 workshops and Sessions preset for the Black Hat security conference at Caesar's Castle in Las Vegas this week, so it's understandable if you ingest a tough time choosing which ones to attend. Whichever ones you fare choose to attend, I recollect these six should get on your list.

The Rustock Botnet Squelch

The dismantling of the Rustock botnet by Microsoft and the U.S. Mobilise Service was a watershed event and one from which spammers have yet to reclaim. In this session, Julia Wolf and Alex Lanstein of FireEye, which helped Microsoft with the operation, will not only discuss the specifics of disassembly Rustock but explain how the techniques used to bed can equal generalized to crackdown on any botnet.

(August. 3, Augustus Rooms Triplet and IV, 13:45-15:00)

Flesh Google Hacking: The Future Generation Search Engine Hacking Armory

Fran Brown and Rob Ragan, of security consulting company Stach &ere; Liu, prognosticate "to tear up down the basic assumptions about what Google/Bing Hacking is and the extent to which it can atomic number 4 exploited to target organizations and even governments." Since lastly year's league, the pair says that they've been operative on an "armory" of newfound hacking tools, and they'll be giving them away relinquish at this session. However, they offer this Scripture of admonish to anyone contemplating ministering their workshop: "For safety, you should be in good health and free from high-topped blood pressure, heart, back operating theater cervix problems, motion sickness or other conditions that could represent angry by this adventure."

(August. 3, Augustus V and VI, 16:45-18:00)

Aerial Cyber Apocalypse: If we can have sex… they put up too

If Google hacking isn't your thing, then you might want to suck up this session which poses the question: "What could a low observable autonomous aircraft carrying 10 pounds of cyber-attack tools do to your organization's networks, your nation's critical infrastructure or worsened, if it were carrying something unspeakable, what would that do to expectations of public safety?" Richard Perkins, a radio control enthusiast, and fiction writer Richard Thieme, will offer both speculative answers to those questions, as they march their have Unmanned Aerial Weapon discriminatory with cyber weaponry under its wings.

(Aug. 3, Augustus Rooms Leash-IV, 16:45-18:00)

Hacking Androids for Profit.

Known and chartless flaws in the Android operating system and Android Market will be discussed at this academic term, accordant to its creators Riley Hassell, who discovered the first critical remote vulnerabilities in Windows 2000 and Windows XP and the exposure that triggered the Code Red Internet worm, and his colleague at Privateersman Labs, Shane Alexanders Macaulay. To boot, the mate promises to expose "antecedently unrevealed vulnerabilities in vendor apps installed on millions of U.S.A mobile phones and techniques to evade every available security solutions."

(Aug. 4, Milano Rooms I-4, 10:00-11:00).

Corporate Espionage for Dummies: The Hidden Threat of Embedded World Wide Web Servers

How often possess we heard the expression, "Computers are everywhere?" How frequently have we thought about what that means? Michael Sutton, head of Zscaler Labs, has, and his conclusions are a bit scary. "Now, everything from kitchen appliances to television sets come with an IP address," Sutton noted in a verbal description of his school term. While those devices with their enclosed web servers are now as common as digital displays in hardware devices, lamentably, security is not, he explained. His lab spent several months scanning a large parcel of the Net to assess the threat of those devices. Its findings will be presented at the conference, findings Sutton predicts "will make any business enterprise owner think twice before purchasing a 'WiF enabled' device."

(Aug. 4, Augustus Rooms III-IV, 11:15-12:30)

Lives Happening The Line: Defending Crisis Maps in Libya , Sudan , and Pakistan

Crisis maps use a variety of active source intelligence–Chirrup and Facebook feeds and YouTube news reports–to give first responders and improver agencies the sort of geolocation information they need to save lives. "Alas, they can also leave hostile national security services and other malicious groups with the information they take to target assailable populations, hunt down individuals, and control response operations," observed the description of this sitting lead by George Chamales, of Rouge Genius, who advises anyone attending this workshop to "Play your laptop computer and toolsets because you will possess the opportunity to play the bad actor (a technical member of the undercover police or terrorist organization) American Samoa well as the guardian (the response agency, citizen on the ground, and sysadmin trying to keep the server online)."

(Aug. 4, Augustus Rooms I and II, 16:45-18:00)


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