
How To Use Zebras Effectively Camera

DVworkshops May Final Cut Pro 10 Workshop

Your Video Photographic camera has the power of Zebras..which allows you lot to accurately determine the right exposure for each of your shots.

This Newsletter explains how to employ info on two Cameras that accept merely been released.

Here at DVworkshops  nosotros have been you tin s ee in these pics taken during final calendar month's workshops.

In fact I am writing this newsletter from Alaska, where I' m the middle of pedagogy our 6-24-hour interval Documentary Workshop.

DVworkshops was selected by a Native Tribal Corporation to come to Anchorage and train a group of Native Alaskans.

These folks live in small-scale Villages, and were flown hither for the workshop. Very Inspiring...They are all excited nigh both the cultural and vocational aspects of bringing high quality video product skills dorsum to their remote communities.

   Alaskan Native Peoples Documentary Workshop in Activity June 2012

Upcoming Classes @ DVworkshops in Los Angeles

2 Twenty-four hours Camera Bootcamp Aug eleven & 12

2 Day FCPX Form Aug thirteen &fourteen

April Video Camera Bootcamp Attendees

Instructor Aron Ranen

On a personal note, I have been busy working on-assignment for Reuters TV. I take been shooting the stories on location then cut, and even feeding them to the Los Angeles Bureau via the Wireless at Starbucks...Things have changed!

If your are a fan of the Actress Betty White, and so y'all would have enjoyed the unveiling of her Wax Replica at the famous Madame Tussauds Wax Museum on Hollywood Blvd..which I Shot last week for Reuters.

I was also assigned to cover Boxer Manny Pacaio'south Press Piece of work-out just before last weekend'due south fight.  Thats me in the Gray Shirt & White pants.. behind the camera in the sweltering Hot Boxing Gym

Look Forwards to seeing you at one of our workshops..give united states of america a call if you lot need any aid.  Delight accept a moment to visit our Facebook page filled with more than grade photos...past newsletters and student testimonials.

From Anchorage, Alaska...

Link to DVworkshops FB page

(415) 810-5934

Getting Great Images with Manual


Step One Plow on ZEBRA function on your camera

The first thing y'all need is to plow on the camera'due south internal light- meter..these are chosen ZEBRAS..This will produce a zebra pattern on parts of your paradigm in the viewfinder.
(they are not recorded or displayed in your edit or footage)

Stride Two:

Prepare ZEBRA Design AT 100% or 70%

The Zebras have preferences that must be set up to either 100% or lxx%

When the Zebras are set at 100%...your viewfinder will display ZEBRA PATTERNS over ONLY the parts that are OVER-EXPOSED.  This helps you determine how much to open or shut the Discontinuity of the camera.

To determine to correct exposure for White or Low-cal-Skinned People...Set the Zebras at 70% ...and so Open the Cameras Aperture until you see Zebras on the person'southward peel..that means yous accept the approx perfect exposure for this person.  There are no other settings for other people of color.

If you ready the Zebras to 100% (recommended) then you Do NOT desire to run across ZEBRAS on the Pare of your Bailiwick.

Footstep Three:  Use your  Camera's Aperture / Iris /Exposure Dial/Ring to Control Zebras in your Shot

Shooting with Zebras set at 100% ways that anything on your LCD screen with a Zebra is over IS OKAY TO HAVE SOME ZEBRAS in small bright parts of your shot.

70% ZEBRA LEVEL is not suggested for beginners...but it is very useful to videotape Lite Skin, Caucasian People.  In this instance ..when shooting a light skinned person..Zebras set up at Want TO SEE ZEBRA LINES ON THE PERSON'South Face AND Pare.

One you lot observe the Zebra Level, you can apply the manual Exposure Dial or Ring adjustment on your camera to brighten or darken your shot with accuracy.  A skilful rule of thumb when shooting in 100% ZEBRA MODE (which I always practice) to start Over-Expose and become lots of Zebras..and so punch down or close the Iris until yous have the to the lowest degree amount of Zebras in your shot.

Once you gain command of manual Iris..your colors will look richer, your Blacks will await less done out.

In our workshops nosotros encompass this in-depth, forth with using filters and other strategies to reduce Zebras in your shot.

ii New Cameras on the Horizon

New Sony Photographic camera

When is full 1920 x 1080 footage not really Hard disk drive? When a broadcaster rejects it for not coming together its 50Mbps bitrate criteria. At that place's only a few handheld cameras that tin capture video with such gentle compression, and a lot of those crave a 3rd-party improver recorder to achieve information technology -- but not Sony's new XDCAMshooter, the PMW-100. It has a 1/2.nine-inch Exmor sensor sitting behind a 40-400mm (35mm equivalent) zoom lens and outputs 1080p, 1080i, and 720p at up to 50Mbps using MPEG HD422 compression. SxS cards are the primary media, but there's Hd/SD-SDI output too should you still need it.  This Camera looks awesome and at a great cost of under $4K

The Start Camera from Blackmagic Design

Blackmagic CineCam           could be a Game Changer

If your looking for an culling to the DSLR..this could modify the game at it'due south $3K price and ability to apply both your Catechism and Zeiss Lenses

The Blackmagic Cinema Camera from Blackmagic Blueprint brings to picture show makers a tool that many take waited for. Recording to a 2.5K epitome sensor, the camera is capable of recording 12-chip RAW DNG files, every bit well as ProRes and DNxHD formats to built-in removable SSD drives (not included), while delivering xiii stops of dynamic range. And it does so at a previously unheard of price point.

The camera is housed in an elegant, minimalist enclosure, crafted from a single block of aluminum. It tin exist used mitt held or mounted on industry standard hardware. The lens mount accepts Catechism EF and Zeiss ZE lenses, and the LCD touchscreen provides monitoring, plus the ability for the user to add metadata such as shot number, filenames and keywords.

Since everything has been designed to provide high quality acquisition, the camera is perfect for independent picture, television commercials and episodic television production, all places where epitome quality is paramount. And being affordable, it will likewise observe its style into hymeneals, sporting result and music video capture.

Easily-on Video Workshops

@DVworkshops in Los Angeles.

Contempo student Testimonia ls

"I'grand pretty sure Aron was a teacher's worst nightmare when he was in school. But that's probably considering at some level, he knew could do a meliorate task. If he ever idea that, he was right. Aron has the centre of a teacher. It's clear that he has a personal drive to crusade each person in his course to acquire.
And learn . . . We DID!

What'south amazing is that in the4 24-hour interval Crash Course, in that location were students at all levels of expertise and Aron was able to aid all of usa move forwards in significant and satisfying ways. It was remarkable how he constantly related individual concepts to specific applications for each person in the class throughout the twenty-four hours as a way of reinforcing ideas.

The dopamine flowed with his fresh, caffeinated, funny, irreverent style even when things got highly technical and challenging for some of the states. He too made sure to have teaching assistants to help u.s.a. with hands-on awarding during filming and editing so that no 1 was lost.

I'grand not exaggerating when I say that I now meet the earth differently. Last night I was at a music jam session with a agglomeration of apprentice musicians. While I enjoyed watching them do their matter, I was seeing the whole dark through the lens of an HD photographic camera, thinking about the storyline; a narration that would actually tie back to the services I provide in my piece of work; lighting in a small dark basement, cool cutaway shots; notwithstanding shots of each actor from his by; and imagining how I would cut this all together in Last Cut Pro 10 for a compelling story that would make each musician proud.
Cheers Aron."

Dave Barrs Atlanta, GA

Jan 2012 Crash Grade Student

" Aron..I must say your DV Crash course was way more I expected. As a high school teacher, I have been in many workshops and have always learned something new. Sometimes the instructor was proficient and other times very tedious. Just later your 4 day course I learned more than any other workshop I have been to. Your method of teaching, reviewing and easily on learning was an absolute pleasure to see and participate. I feel yous could actually teach some teachers how to teach. You combined dandy sense of humor with real world examples, which fabricated the class help and enjoyable. I am certain I will be seeing y'all over again for another course to learn even more from you."

Keep up the skillful piece of work, Chris Lorenz Valley View Loftier School

" Such a great teaching technique that you tin can not assistance only learn from Aron.  His method is spot on. He's a wild, lively instructor and his no-holds barred way is entertaining and effective. In that location are phrases and lessons he uses that I'thou sure are burned intomy psyche for eternity:)"
Dan Nierling  Professor  Eagle Higher  Idaho

"You are probably the best teacher I've had in whatsoever bailiwick and I simply wanted to cheers again -- you are passionate about what you do, have cracking energy and your class really inspired me to exercise more in editing.

I started motion-picture show schoolhouse in January (a 9 month certificate course at Boston University) and recently finished. For my last projection I did a brusque documentary on a guy learning how to drive for the first fourth dimension at age 32. It only got accustomed into a motion-picture show festival in Boulder which I'one thousand excited about especially being a first projection and having directed, produced and edited it myself. Anyway, I simply wanted to say a quick give thanks you for everything and let you know that yous had a huge touch on me.

Film Asha made in the 6-Day Workshop..Pena Pachamama

Asha made this video in our 6-Day  Workshop
"Pena Pachamama"

Hope y'all're enjoying LA!"

Asha Mevlana
Link to picture show she made in our 6-day course =RIdTe0DRQn8

Please feel costless to call for exact details on our Workshops..(415) 810-5934

our email is:


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